Thursday, May 5, 2011

100% off

That is the price you can take my headaches for.  Mom has been after me for a while to go to the doctors about them, but they aren't migraine type so what would the doctor even say about them?
All is well down at the barn.  We had a little surprise on Monday.  A mama that I deemed most likely not pregnant turned out to be pregnant.  She blessed us with a chunky little girl.  Both are doing well in the nursery.  I do believe we are now done with our kidding for this year.  Now to just get all the bottle babies off and fatten them all up and off they go.  We've been catching mice down at the barn like crazy.  In the time that it takes to make the milk that little trap (with no bait) will catch at least 6.  The dogs don't even need any food anymore as they are eating all the mice.  I would really like the cats to be put down there, but I really don't think we'll get them to stay.
Brad and I (mostly Brad) brought 2 loads of hay home, only 40 more bales at 14 bales/ trip.  Then I imagine it's on to the other fields.  It has been threatening rain today and he's wanting to get them home before it rains.

I am only behind now on my May quilt blocks by a day or two.  I think I'm doing pretty good.  I also started another quilt.  This one is a table topper or wall hanging (winter)  I cut some blocks out, but have to talk to my quilting lady to find out how to do paper piercing to make some other blocks.  I really should quit quilting for a bit and get some other crafts done. My scrapbooking is being thoroughly neglected.  I also received my first package in the Card of the Month club.  I get all the materials to make like 8 cards or something mailed to me every 6 weeks or so.  I'd like to get started on those too.

Well I better get off and peel apples.  Too bad fruit doesn't peel itself.  I want to make some crisp for supper. 

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