Friday, April 29, 2011

Here Comes the Rain Again

I haven't heard that song in a long while.  It sure applies to this week.  There is only suppose to be 2 sunny days in the next 10, ouch. This a little video I took of sounds before a rain storm.

Today I'm feeling rather glum with the gray sky.  I'm suppose to head to town to get groceries.  Do I feel like it?  NO!  Daughter's 2 and 3 and their friends will be here this weekend, also the 2 extra we already have here, so I guess we are going to need some vittles to feed them with.  At least Brad will have plenty of help cleaning out the barn tomorrow.  I'm heading to town tomorrow to volunteer my time with the Hanna Rummage Sale.  All proceeds go to the hospital auxillary.

Just came back from the barn.  All looks good down there.  The goats don't really want to go out today, too dreary.  Only a few die hards are actually at the feeders.  Even our bucks haven't ventured out yet. For two days now 2 little kids that were were bottling haven't been drinking from the feeder.  The milk is a little soured but not curdled., but their little bellies seem rounded and full, so I guess mom is producing more milk than she was and they are getting enough from her.  I think I'll make them each a fresh bottle tonight , just to make sure.  It is so hard to tell with some of the babies.  Some are just naturally long and lean.  I think it is time to start watering down the milk for the older bottle babies.  They should be getting weaned soon.  They are down to 2 feedings a day--oh the freedom when I don't have to bottle them anymore.  I can actually be away for the whole day.
I guess I'm off now to clean up and head to town.  Talking to mom this morning and she'd really like to see me today.  Aspirin here I come and maybe my headache will be gone when I get there.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Days Go On

Sad news again today.  B20:  A mama goat with a 3 month old died today.  She succombed to her injurys from her encounter with the hay feeder.  Along with our inexperience as vets.  Otherwise all seems to be going well at the barn.  Our 3 oldest bottle babies are weaned.  They don't know it yet and still come around at feeding time.  Hopefully by the end of this week they will 'get' it.  We have the 2 biggest bottle babies out of the toddler room and getting 2 feeds per day.  Also My Boy is still bottled.  Currently we have 2 moms in the nursery with their babies and 1 in the birthing pen.  B40 and her babies will be dealt with tonight and tomorrow they will go out into the common room.  Our newest B70 will be sent into the nursery.  We still have 5 in the pregnancy room but I'm pretty sure only 1 or 2 are actually pregnant.  We have a couple that are quite skinny and we're hoping that all our troubles are over and we can just grow these babies without any more incident and sell them.  Then we'll decide what we are going to do:  sell the herd totally, sell partially, or breed in 2 cycles.  What we have going now is too much work.

Easter was good.  We had dinner at mom's and the kids did an Easter Egg hunt.:

That was on Good Friday.  Sat we lazed around the house and just did the chores that really needed doing.  Sunday we went into the city and picked up the kids and went to Laura's for dinner.

There we were treated to a great meal and great company.  The youth outnumbered the older, but I guess that is the way.  Shelby even made us homemade ice-cream.  I have to get me one of those machines.
Then life went back to normal.  We got home late, did chores and went to bed.  Monday was just a day at home.

I haven't been crafting much.  I started my April block of the month, but haven't gotten very far.  I have all the materials to start another quilt and would like to.. boy this is addictive.  I put a few stitches in Justine and Eddie's wedding sampler, but I really don't think it will be done in time.  More likely an anniversary one.  I'm stuck on my flower of the month cross stitch due to lack of the proper threads.  That will be corrected on Friday when I go to town.

The wedding is moving ever forward, but my housecleaning is not.  I'm posting a link of a book I'd like to get to maybe help me.

31 Days to Clean

I guess I'll just have to be happy knowing that not too many people are staying at my house during the wedding time.
I think I'll close with that for now.  Laundry and dishes are calling..Not too loudly but calling just the same.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Busy couple weeks

Hello again,
We've been fairly busy the last little bit.  My brother and his family came for almost a week and with that a visit from 2 uncles, an aunt and a cousin.  Also a trip to my mom's for a meal.  The snow has been making chores a disaster.  We've had blowing and drifting snow.  The drift in the alley at the goat pen was over 6 feet high.  We had to plow that out 3 times.  It took well over 2 hours each time.  The poor goats actually were trapped at their hay feeder one day because the snow drifted back in from 9 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon.  Most of that snowy area has melted substancially and things are looking very springy these last few days.   We've also really started to have our last set of babies.. about time.  We've had 8 moms deliver in the last couple weeks.  Only like 10 more to go or so..We are currently having a little bout of colds go through our babies.  We gave some medicine to several and we'll check throughout the week to make sure it isn't progressing.  Our bottle babies are now starting to go out for most of the day.  We let them drink a bit of milk in the morning then bring them out of their pen until about 3:30, then they go back in for the rest of the day and night.  Soon they'll be able to just stay out all day and only drink twice a day.

On the craft front...I've been working away at my monthly projects as well as my quilts.  Only 2 more blocks to go on my first block of the month, then I can try sewing it together.  I have class in 2 more days for my newer block of the month.  I also started knitting again.  I'm now making a halter top with cotton yarn (hopefully my child will like it) and I'm making a baby sweater set for my one day--hopefully -- grandchild--when those are done, I'd like to start a knitted dress for my other daughter.
I spent all day Sat. at a fundraiser craft day.  We just sat and visited and crafted all day.  I finally completed Justine's grad pages in her scrapbook.  Only a year late.  Maybe I'll be more with it for Rachel's.

I guess that is all for now.