Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Summer's End

Well here we are almost at the end of summer.  it sure has been a busy one.  It has also been very very hot.  The Canada Day weekend saw company coming out to the farm.  2 of the kids and Robyn and I went to town and took in some celebration action.  The kids had fun swimming and playing on the inflatable things, then the day ended with some fireworks.

July was pretty much same old same old.. nothing really changed.  My garden produced and it was quite exciting.  Lots of zucchini
The cucumbers didn't really work out and at last look the peppers and tomatoes were coming along nicely.  The pumpkin is looking wonderful.

Our 23rd anniversary came and went without much fanfare.  Most of the family went to the beach to spend the day, but Brad stayed home to do hay.

Justine had a pregnancy photo update..she sure is getting big.

So far August has been spent canning fruit and vegetable and making pickles.

There are many more jars, but I won't bore you with all I have.

Brad and my birthday happened and Robyn brought me out an ice cream cake

It was sooooo good.

Amanda and I haven't really been too busy with our quilt blocks.  I have gotten 2 done.  Here is one:
Hopefully when we are done we'll be able to put it together in some way that all the colours work.

This weekend coming is chicken butchering.  This picture is some of the little wonders that will be put in our freezer.

We also had some puppies born.. I have never witnessed puppies being born and missed this time also.  The mommy Lyra disappeared to have them.  It took us 3 days to find her.  Anyway this is her batch.

And this is them a week later.

Well that is a bit of a summer update.  If I think of anything I really forgot I'll edit this post.  Ta-ta for now

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