Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I suppose a lot of blogs are starting with that title right about now.  For 3 days already we've been in the -20°Cs.  Today we hit a big low at -35°C.  For any Americans that is about -35°F also.  There is a slight wind making it even colder.  I tell you it was a long chilly 1/4 mile walk to the barn this morning.  Usually I take the quad down, but yesterday and today it wouldn't start. 

New Year's went well.  We had company for the 4 day holiday.  I got sick on the day after New Years Day.  I was out for 24 hours and then tried to recover the next day yet, from exhaustion.  Brad got it about 2 days after me. However; we are all well now and life is back to normal.

I discovered at the barn, this morning, that the goats hadn't been out for water in a couple days.  (no tracks to the waterer) I guess they find it too chilly to walk to the other side of the barn.  I filled an inside water bucket today for them and did they ever crowd around the water cooler.  All my chickens wanted out into the goat pen this morning so they'll be good and hungry tomorrow because their food is in their pen, not the goat pen. 

The weather is suppose to warm up this weekend and get back to above normal temps, so the only sustaining idea is that it is only temperary.
Brad has been coyote shooting with Kevin, but they haven't shot many thus far.
Danielle is gearing up for writing first semester exams next week.  Her and Taylor have both been working an average of 3 shifts/week at A&W.  Taylor is quite proud of his paychecks (first job)  We've also begun to plunge into 4H.  It isn't something I 'chose' to do, but 'had' to do.  They needed adult leaders and there weren't enough kids--hense not enough parents--to get out of it.  So I am now general leader of our small little group and I know nothing about it.  I'm too old to start into something like that.  Girl Guides would've been no problem as I'm familiar with that having been a leader before.

I've started a 15 project challenge being part of a facebook group.  The idea was to start or continue with a project each day for 15 days, then try to complete those projects during the rest of 2012. I have made a good start I think and will definitely be done at least 2--hoping for all 15.
I spent a few hours at the quilt shop last night, while Taylor was at work so I didn't have to make the trip to town twice.  I got the binding on my coffee mat--just have to stitch it closed now. 


I also completed a pillow case.  There will be a matching baby quilt to go with it eventually.

A good start was made on my niece's quilt also.  It is a quilt using 20 fat quarters.  I got 8 cut to size last night.

Taylor's  My puppy is growing by leaps and bounds..but can be quite lazy.  See how she lays down to eat.

She is almost housebroken.  Her cousin has been staying with us due to issues with my daughter at the moment and they have been getting along quite well.  I'm going out of my mind with 2 puppies though.

Well I suppose that is all I have on this cold cold day.  I think I need a bit of a snack and I need to check on my child that is supposed to be doing school..hmmmm

Take care,


  1. Your new puppy is so cute! A real lazy butt though! :)

    Is that your coffee mat with the mittens on it? I love the design.

  2. Yes that is my coffee mat with the mittens on it. After I stuck the mitts on I realized that it was too close to the edge and therefore missing part. It was a little kit I picked up at a quilt store.

    Thanks for the compliment about the puppy. She is cute, but a pain. I really don't like puppies. I prefer dogs.

  3. Your projects look cute. Looking forward to seeing the quilt finished.
