Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Time is Coming

Well our predicted little ones came at the beginning of the month.
Thankfully only one mom was caught in July.  They were healthy and a good size.  We may end up keeping both of them.  One male and one female.  Brad has managed to de construct the walls in the barn so it is basically 2 rooms now with 4 pens in the middle for birthing.  We have put the new mom and babies in with the 4 smallest ones that we had and they occupy one room and the rest of the goats occupy the other.  I'm regularily getting 1-2 eggs now which is plenty for us.

Taylor asked for a computer or dog for Christmas, so we got him his dog, that he has wanted since we knew we were moving to the acreage.  After 3 days he decided it was too much work and wanted us to take her back..Ugh!  So guess who is looking after a  10 week old puppy?  She is cute though.

Our house has been decorated also.  The girls put the lights on and Rachel and I decorated it.

They actually did a fairly good job.  It is our first 'real' tree in several years.  I forgot the mess the needles make.

Now if I could just get the house cleaned before the Day...I'm not sure that will happen with this many animals... Geesh!  I'm really hoping my strength by next spring will be such that I can oust all these animals except the one dog (lack of hair for outside life).  I just can't stand the meowing at the door.  Tomorrow is baking day.  Amanda and the girls and mom, Danielle and I are planning on baking here.  Now mom sounds like she is backing out.. We'll see if she shows up.  I have to get to town today to buy baking supplies and also to get Taylor's paperwork for his job in so he can start.  Although it is snowing pretty good right now. I hope it doesn't continue too long.

On Sunday we celebrated Justine's 21st birthday.  She is quite excited to be that age.
Well I better get off to get chores done so we can head to town.  Till next time.


  1. Beautiful tree and the poor puppy. We just got out daughter a kitten. I think that is all she can handle shes too busy being a teen. Have a Merry Christmas

  2. Thanks Donna. I really didn't want another animal, but I thought he'd really be into it. Wrong. Oh well, he's sacrificed his Christmas presents for it so I guess a small lesson learned. Cats are way less work and still provide the love. Although, that too, can be stressful when you have as many as we do. I'm hoping when the kids move out the house will empty out a little too.

  3. What a cute puppy! I did LOL @ DS's response to how much work it is. Kids!

    Your tree looked beautiful.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. ☺
