Winter is upon us although it is still Autumn. This week coming is suppose to be a week of snow.. Yuk. I'm usually quite excited about the snow, but this year, I really wish we could be snowbirds and go south for the winter.
My trip to Texas went well. It was hot and muggy, but quite refreshing. Anytime away is like that for me I think. Change of scenery. We saw the Japanese Tea Garden, the Riverwalk, the Alamo, Guiness Book of Records museum a bit of Houston and Hobby Lobby. We went to the Women of Faith conference and otherwise, mostly stayed at the house and visited.
We're still awaiting on the arrival of the little grandbaby. Here mama is at 37 weeks
Sorry it is a little dark. I'm looking forward to finding out what it is boy or girl.
I have managed to get up to Sept. done on our block of the month. We may get through this quilt yet.. Trying to co-ordinate times is difficult. I'm really trying to clean up the craft stuff I have in my room. I don't want to start any new quilts until the ones I have on the go are done. I just have to finish up the binding on one and it will be done. I have the outside border to finish on another then I can take it to be quilted. I believe then I'll only have 6 or 7 to finish before I can start my son's and nephew's. Busy busy. I also have to finish up two sweaters that I started. Hopefully before winter is over.
I'm starting to plan my Christmas baking and thinking about getting my Christmas cards ready. The season is soon upon us.
The barn news lately isn't so good. We have 3 mamas not long for this world. The stupid Johnnes has now destroyed half our herd. We have 4 little babies trying to hold their own, but we'll see if they make it through the winter. They are quite small and not too strong. They are separate from the rest to allow them full access to hay and grain without having to fight for it. The desire to give up and not farm livestock is in the front of my brain. Brad is taking a little more time to convince. He has grand plans for the future. On the up side, my hen who has not layed since early Oct. has now given me eggs 3 days in a row. Woohoo. I'm getting 9 a day now, so if you live in the near area and want eggs give me a shout.
Well that is all for now. Hopefully my next post will have baby pictures of the human kind..
This is a daily, weekly or monthly writing of happenings in my life, nothing more, nothing less.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Summer's End
Well here we are almost at the end of summer. it sure has been a busy one. It has also been very very hot. The Canada Day weekend saw company coming out to the farm. 2 of the kids and Robyn and I went to town and took in some celebration action. The kids had fun swimming and playing on the inflatable things, then the day ended with some fireworks.
July was pretty much same old same old.. nothing really changed. My garden produced and it was quite exciting. Lots of zucchini
The cucumbers didn't really work out and at last look the peppers and tomatoes were coming along nicely. The pumpkin is looking wonderful.
Our 23rd anniversary came and went without much fanfare. Most of the family went to the beach to spend the day, but Brad stayed home to do hay.
Justine had a pregnancy photo update..she sure is getting big.
So far August has been spent canning fruit and vegetable and making pickles.
There are many more jars, but I won't bore you with all I have.
Brad and my birthday happened and Robyn brought me out an ice cream cake
It was sooooo good.
Amanda and I haven't really been too busy with our quilt blocks. I have gotten 2 done. Here is one:
Hopefully when we are done we'll be able to put it together in some way that all the colours work.
This weekend coming is chicken butchering. This picture is some of the little wonders that will be put in our freezer.
We also had some puppies born.. I have never witnessed puppies being born and missed this time also. The mommy Lyra disappeared to have them. It took us 3 days to find her. Anyway this is her batch.
And this is them a week later.
Well that is a bit of a summer update. If I think of anything I really forgot I'll edit this post. Ta-ta for now
July was pretty much same old same old.. nothing really changed. My garden produced and it was quite exciting. Lots of zucchini
The cucumbers didn't really work out and at last look the peppers and tomatoes were coming along nicely. The pumpkin is looking wonderful.
Our 23rd anniversary came and went without much fanfare. Most of the family went to the beach to spend the day, but Brad stayed home to do hay.
Justine had a pregnancy photo update..she sure is getting big.
So far August has been spent canning fruit and vegetable and making pickles.
There are many more jars, but I won't bore you with all I have.
Brad and my birthday happened and Robyn brought me out an ice cream cake
It was sooooo good.
Amanda and I haven't really been too busy with our quilt blocks. I have gotten 2 done. Here is one:
Hopefully when we are done we'll be able to put it together in some way that all the colours work.
This weekend coming is chicken butchering. This picture is some of the little wonders that will be put in our freezer.
We also had some puppies born.. I have never witnessed puppies being born and missed this time also. The mommy Lyra disappeared to have them. It took us 3 days to find her. Anyway this is her batch.
And this is them a week later.
Well that is a bit of a summer update. If I think of anything I really forgot I'll edit this post. Ta-ta for now
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Almost Summer
Here we are again after a long pause in my updates. We are less than 2 weeks from summer. My garden isn't even fully in. Hopefully this upcoming week it will get done. I'll try to post again with some pictures.
In the barn we are pretty much done kidding now. There are 4 remaining does but there is no indication that they are pregnant; however; they do have till the end of the month to present us with something.
Here are some pictures
Our newest animals are my little chicks. I just picked them up this morning. I got 25 Cornish Giants, 10 Heavy White Turkeys and 6 Leghorns. I'm very nervous about raising the turkeys because I have heard they are difficult to raise.
Here are my little ones
We've had some company again a couple weekends and so life is busy busy. The weather has been mild, but dry. We are very much needing a couple days of rain. Brad's crops are in and he really would like some moisture so they'll grow. Brad's mom arrives next week for her annual visit, so I'll get some much needed help with cleaning and gardening.. I'm glad someone likes doing it.
On the craft front...
Amanda and I have stalled out on our block of the month. We've both been quite busy. I'm hoping we can get back at it soon and stay on track. I did finish the top of Courtney's quilt and I'm planning on getting it quilted before Brad's mom leaves so she can take it with her. That way I can save on postage. I aim to get one more quilt top done and then a baby quilt, then I want to stop quilting for the summer and make me some dresses and Taylor a couple pairs of shorts. So so much to do and sooo little time.
Well I guess I'm out of talk now.. till next time.
In the barn we are pretty much done kidding now. There are 4 remaining does but there is no indication that they are pregnant; however; they do have till the end of the month to present us with something.
Here are some pictures
Our newest animals are my little chicks. I just picked them up this morning. I got 25 Cornish Giants, 10 Heavy White Turkeys and 6 Leghorns. I'm very nervous about raising the turkeys because I have heard they are difficult to raise.
Here are my little ones
We've had some company again a couple weekends and so life is busy busy. The weather has been mild, but dry. We are very much needing a couple days of rain. Brad's crops are in and he really would like some moisture so they'll grow. Brad's mom arrives next week for her annual visit, so I'll get some much needed help with cleaning and gardening.. I'm glad someone likes doing it.
On the craft front...
Amanda and I have stalled out on our block of the month. We've both been quite busy. I'm hoping we can get back at it soon and stay on track. I did finish the top of Courtney's quilt and I'm planning on getting it quilted before Brad's mom leaves so she can take it with her. That way I can save on postage. I aim to get one more quilt top done and then a baby quilt, then I want to stop quilting for the summer and make me some dresses and Taylor a couple pairs of shorts. So so much to do and sooo little time.
Well I guess I'm out of talk now.. till next time.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Happy Spring
Well it sure has been a while. Wow..
The snow has now gone and it the weather is more consistently mild. The most exciting news is that I´m going to be a Nana is November.. woohoo.. I´m planning to get busy making baby stuff.
The quilt I started for my niece is almost done--well the piecing is. Danielle´s quilt is just waiting for the binding to be put on and it will be done. My block of the month from last year is underway with me on installment #5. I aim to get those 3 things done and then complete one baby quilt. After that is accomplished I want to get back into scrapbooking for a bit. Justine´s scrapbook really should get finished since she is now starting her own family.
At the barn things are hopping. We have already birthed 100 baby goats with a few more to go. We had a few preemies and a few accidents from moms, but so far all is well. Hopefully we can keep it that way. I´m debating whether or not to get chicks this year. I´m not sure it is economical when I don´t sell the chickens or the eggs for profit. It would probably be cheaper for me to just buy eggs when I need them. I do like the home raised chicken meat though... urgh!! decisions decisions.
Amanda and I are anxiously awaiting planting time. We both spent quite a bit of money on Heritage Seeds for an awesome garden each and have high hopes of doing alot of canning and freezing this fall. I hope it works out. It is almost time to start the little seedlings indoors.
My computer crashed and then just as we figured that all out it actually died. Brad is awaiting a part now to see if he can fix it. The part should be arriving on Thurs.. so no pictures until then.. So... it will probably be my next update before any new pictures get put on. Should be some Easter ones. Maybe a picture of Danielle´s quilt if I get my butt into gear.
Well I guess with that I will close.. It has been awhile, but there isn´t a whole lot new to tell you. Till next time.
The snow has now gone and it the weather is more consistently mild. The most exciting news is that I´m going to be a Nana is November.. woohoo.. I´m planning to get busy making baby stuff.
The quilt I started for my niece is almost done--well the piecing is. Danielle´s quilt is just waiting for the binding to be put on and it will be done. My block of the month from last year is underway with me on installment #5. I aim to get those 3 things done and then complete one baby quilt. After that is accomplished I want to get back into scrapbooking for a bit. Justine´s scrapbook really should get finished since she is now starting her own family.
At the barn things are hopping. We have already birthed 100 baby goats with a few more to go. We had a few preemies and a few accidents from moms, but so far all is well. Hopefully we can keep it that way. I´m debating whether or not to get chicks this year. I´m not sure it is economical when I don´t sell the chickens or the eggs for profit. It would probably be cheaper for me to just buy eggs when I need them. I do like the home raised chicken meat though... urgh!! decisions decisions.
Amanda and I are anxiously awaiting planting time. We both spent quite a bit of money on Heritage Seeds for an awesome garden each and have high hopes of doing alot of canning and freezing this fall. I hope it works out. It is almost time to start the little seedlings indoors.
My computer crashed and then just as we figured that all out it actually died. Brad is awaiting a part now to see if he can fix it. The part should be arriving on Thurs.. so no pictures until then.. So... it will probably be my next update before any new pictures get put on. Should be some Easter ones. Maybe a picture of Danielle´s quilt if I get my butt into gear.
Well I guess with that I will close.. It has been awhile, but there isn´t a whole lot new to tell you. Till next time.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
I suppose a lot of blogs are starting with that title right about now. For 3 days already we've been in the -20°Cs. Today we hit a big low at -35°C. For any Americans that is about -35°F also. There is a slight wind making it even colder. I tell you it was a long chilly 1/4 mile walk to the barn this morning. Usually I take the quad down, but yesterday and today it wouldn't start.
New Year's went well. We had company for the 4 day holiday. I got sick on the day after New Years Day. I was out for 24 hours and then tried to recover the next day yet, from exhaustion. Brad got it about 2 days after me. However; we are all well now and life is back to normal.
I discovered at the barn, this morning, that the goats hadn't been out for water in a couple days. (no tracks to the waterer) I guess they find it too chilly to walk to the other side of the barn. I filled an inside water bucket today for them and did they ever crowd around the water cooler. All my chickens wanted out into the goat pen this morning so they'll be good and hungry tomorrow because their food is in their pen, not the goat pen.
The weather is suppose to warm up this weekend and get back to above normal temps, so the only sustaining idea is that it is only temperary.
Brad has been coyote shooting with Kevin, but they haven't shot many thus far.
Danielle is gearing up for writing first semester exams next week. Her and Taylor have both been working an average of 3 shifts/week at A&W. Taylor is quite proud of his paychecks (first job) We've also begun to plunge into 4H. It isn't something I 'chose' to do, but 'had' to do. They needed adult leaders and there weren't enough kids--hense not enough parents--to get out of it. So I am now general leader of our small little group and I know nothing about it. I'm too old to start into something like that. Girl Guides would've been no problem as I'm familiar with that having been a leader before.
I've started a 15 project challenge being part of a facebook group. The idea was to start or continue with a project each day for 15 days, then try to complete those projects during the rest of 2012. I have made a good start I think and will definitely be done at least 2--hoping for all 15.
I spent a few hours at the quilt shop last night, while Taylor was at work so I didn't have to make the trip to town twice. I got the binding on my coffee mat--just have to stitch it closed now.
I also completed a pillow case. There will be a matching baby quilt to go with it eventually.
A good start was made on my niece's quilt also. It is a quilt using 20 fat quarters. I got 8 cut to size last night.
Taylor's My puppy is growing by leaps and bounds..but can be quite lazy. See how she lays down to eat.
She is almost housebroken. Her cousin has been staying with us due to issues with my daughter at the moment and they have been getting along quite well. I'm going out of my mind with 2 puppies though.
Well I suppose that is all I have on this cold cold day. I think I need a bit of a snack and I need to check on my child that is supposed to be doing school..hmmmm
Take care,
New Year's went well. We had company for the 4 day holiday. I got sick on the day after New Years Day. I was out for 24 hours and then tried to recover the next day yet, from exhaustion. Brad got it about 2 days after me. However; we are all well now and life is back to normal.
I discovered at the barn, this morning, that the goats hadn't been out for water in a couple days. (no tracks to the waterer) I guess they find it too chilly to walk to the other side of the barn. I filled an inside water bucket today for them and did they ever crowd around the water cooler. All my chickens wanted out into the goat pen this morning so they'll be good and hungry tomorrow because their food is in their pen, not the goat pen.
The weather is suppose to warm up this weekend and get back to above normal temps, so the only sustaining idea is that it is only temperary.
Brad has been coyote shooting with Kevin, but they haven't shot many thus far.
Danielle is gearing up for writing first semester exams next week. Her and Taylor have both been working an average of 3 shifts/week at A&W. Taylor is quite proud of his paychecks (first job) We've also begun to plunge into 4H. It isn't something I 'chose' to do, but 'had' to do. They needed adult leaders and there weren't enough kids--hense not enough parents--to get out of it. So I am now general leader of our small little group and I know nothing about it. I'm too old to start into something like that. Girl Guides would've been no problem as I'm familiar with that having been a leader before.
I've started a 15 project challenge being part of a facebook group. The idea was to start or continue with a project each day for 15 days, then try to complete those projects during the rest of 2012. I have made a good start I think and will definitely be done at least 2--hoping for all 15.
I spent a few hours at the quilt shop last night, while Taylor was at work so I didn't have to make the trip to town twice. I got the binding on my coffee mat--just have to stitch it closed now.
I also completed a pillow case. There will be a matching baby quilt to go with it eventually.
A good start was made on my niece's quilt also. It is a quilt using 20 fat quarters. I got 8 cut to size last night.
She is almost housebroken. Her cousin has been staying with us due to issues with my daughter at the moment and they have been getting along quite well. I'm going out of my mind with 2 puppies though.
Well I suppose that is all I have on this cold cold day. I think I need a bit of a snack and I need to check on my child that is supposed to be doing school..hmmmm
Take care,
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