Thursday, June 7, 2012

Almost Summer

Here we are again after a long pause in my updates.  We are less than 2 weeks from summer.  My garden isn't even fully in.  Hopefully this upcoming week it will get done.  I'll try to post again with some pictures.
In the barn we are pretty much done kidding now.  There are 4 remaining does but there is no indication that they are pregnant; however; they do have till the end of the month to present us with something.
Here are some pictures

Our newest animals are my little chicks.  I just picked them up this morning.  I got 25 Cornish Giants, 10 Heavy White Turkeys and 6 Leghorns.  I'm very nervous about raising the turkeys because I have heard they are difficult to raise.
Here are my little ones

We've had some company again a couple weekends and so life is busy busy.  The weather has been mild, but dry.  We are very much needing a couple days of rain.  Brad's crops are in and he really would like some moisture so they'll grow.  Brad's mom arrives next week for her annual visit, so I'll get some much needed help with cleaning and gardening..  I'm glad someone likes doing it.

On the craft front...

Amanda and I have stalled out on our block of the month.  We've both been quite busy.  I'm hoping we can get back at it soon and stay on track.  I did finish the top of Courtney's quilt and I'm planning on getting it quilted before Brad's mom leaves so she can take it with her.  That way I can save on postage.  I aim to get one more quilt top done and then a baby quilt, then I want to stop quilting for the summer and make me some dresses and Taylor a couple pairs of shorts.  So so much to do and sooo little time.

Well I guess I'm out of talk now.. till next time.

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