Well after a dry two weeks, we've had another mom give us twins. They are very very little and weak. I don't expect one of them to make it. Mom is very skittish and doesn't seem to have an interest in the babies. I'll check on them in a couple hours to see if anything has changed. I really don't want anymore bottle babies, but ...
Our little floppy head baby is still holding on, but I'm not sure how much longer she can. From what we can tell she has extensive nerve damage. Her legs and always shivering and she has no control over her functions except her head. She manages to still drink her bottle. We have several sneaky petes in the barn too always trying to get milk from those who are not their moms. Some are very skinny and probably need to. I really wish we had tagged these babies. We have a mom or two whom I suspect has dried up and we haven't a clue who their babies are to bottle them.
I still have mixed feelings as to whether I want to just downsize our herd and keep them or actually sell everything. Life would definiately be easier without them, but I do like watching and interacting with the moms. Maybe we should give it a chance with a smaller herd and maybe we'll like it more. It could be a difficult decision though as to who stays and who goes. Some of the moms will be easy to decide upon. Nature is taking care of some of the culling. We've lost a few and at least 3 more look like they won't be around too much longer. We're not sure what is causing it, but hopefully come spring when they can get out and graze things will look better. I'm sure in about 2 months or so our first babies will be ready to go. They sure are getting fat and big. We'll also send a batch of adults that we no longer want then.
I've started Justine and Eddie's quilt. I'm not sure I'm cutting it right for the amount of fabric, but hopefully it will work out. I think this one I'll take and have quilted because I would like it done for their wedding. I'll get the top done in time, but no way will the rest get done.
I'm missing 3 of my blocks of the month. I cannot find them anywhere in the house. I know I have them, but where oh where are they? I got on a roll stitching those up and now have to stop until they can be located. My new block of the month is meeting on Tues. next week. I'm looking forward to getting out I think. I don't like hauling all my stuff over all the time, but it gives me help and conversation and a change of scenery. I'm also going to be starting 2 new SALs. Funky Flowers and EMS Flowers. There are several of us in my online group that are going to be doing this. I just need to be a little more organized and set time aside to do them.
Tonight Brad wants me to go with him 1.5 hours away to look at a snowmobile. I'm not happy with the decision of his to get one, but he feels it will be useful for hunting coyotes. Sure...
After he told me that all guilt from buying 'stuff' on the weekend went right out the window. Since we only have enough snow one out of every three years to even use it, I'm sure it will sit in the shed like the motorbike. Boys and their toys...
Well time for breakfast and tea now, and to check on Taylor to see if he is doing his school work without being told. hahahahaha
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