Thursday, October 20, 2011


It's been a little while since I've updated again.  Boy time sure slips away.  The yard is covered in leaves and the trees and pretty much bare.  The days are chilly with a titch of warmth left in them.  Halloween is coming upon us soon and I'm not sure if my kids are doing anything this year or not.

The final batch of baby goats are being shipped tomorrow.  The barn will then be emptier awaiting the arrival in the spring of the new babies.  I haven't been as attached lately to this batch.  They go out to the pasture all day and I really don't see much of them anymore. An aquaintance of mine has requested to buy 2 babies from us for herself as pets.  Brad would like her to pick them up right away--so I guess I better call her today.

My new chickens have started laying eggs--well at least one of them.  Our eggs are all peewee size and we do have some tweeking to do with the nest box as some of the eggs are getting crushed.  They are suppose to roll away so they don't get crushed, but the weight of the chicken pushes the other end of the wire mesh up and squashes the egg on the wooden perch.  Very exciting.

We have 1 outdoor kitten out of 7 that has survived thus far.  We'll see if he makes it all winter.  Of the 3 I brought in I still have 2.. I was hoping they would be gone.  Surprising really that they are still here, they are so cute.  Well they'll have to go out in the spring if noone takes them.

I took a quilt class and made a little wall hanging.  It isn't quite done yet.  I just bought a button for his nose yesterday. I also have to create the hanging case for it.  Maybe today.. I also just ordered a bunch of little cross stitch tucks.  6 of them.  I'm going to make them up and have them for the Christmas Market next year.  I always say I'm going to have stuff and never have it.  I'm bound and determined this year coming to make stuff for 2012s market.  Dishcloths, cards (stitch and paper), tucks, and who knows what else.  I'm even going to have a special storage space for it all., then I can book a table early spring and go for it.  I'm going to start a dishcloth today.
Justine and Eddie's wedding quilt won first prize at the fair for the category -first quilt ever, machine stitched--  It was the only entry in that category but who cares.  I also won for my paintings.  It was quite enjoyable and that brings me to my crafting goals number 2.  I aim to create for as many categories as I can to enter next year.  Cross your fingers that I havne't made too lofty of goals.

I think Rachel wishes to stay home for the next little bit.  She was going to move in with friends a couple hours away and just work, but I think she has now just decided to stay home.  She aims to go back to college in the fall, so she'll move then.  Woohoo...

Danielle and I are in a musical drama and the performances are coming up quickly.  I'm not sure about pulling it off.  I havne't had a chance yet to practice my part on stage--hopefully on Sunday that will happen.  I really should learn my scene and rehearse my lines.

Taylor is coming along with school.  Not are energetic as I'd like, but nonetheless it is getting done.

That's all for now..